This is Where I Leave You

This is where I leave you

Because you won’t go back

And you don’t want to go forward

And I can’t stay here


You have always been honest

and I’ve caught you in lies

or exaggerations

or something that was meant to ease me

but tore at my skin from inside


And a deep breath

an exhale of relief

This is where I leave you



Away no more! (not a poem)

Hello Poetry Lovers!

I’ve been away from my blog for two years, which has been too long.  I have been posting on twitter and instagram but not as frequently as I once did.  I’m hoping to improve that.  Starting here on my blog, and carrying into other formats (Facebook, twitter, instagram). I look forward to engaging with you all once again!  Keep writing 🙂

Glass Always Falls to the Ground

Whispers under sheets haunt me another night

Loneliness doesn’t take the voices away

But carries them in front of eyes

Because hearing just isn’t enough


Witnessing personal insanity is only the beginning

Finding the steps to climb back up

Can only be pointed out

Without someone showing the way


Falling down into graves becomes evident

So have some wine

And wait for the crash

Glass always falls to the ground


Finding the balloons to float up

Are always hiding in empty hands