The Slow Breath I Exhale

The slow breath I exhale
Travels past my lips
No words travel along the
Cold vapors
Only shadows of the
Bitter winter leaving
One last stain upon our skin

I wait still
Through this cold dark lone
As I waited in summers past
Always burned in
The hot airs’ glow
Perhaps a long, slow
Spring this year
So flowers will find roots
And trees may provide shade
Comfortable seasons
To bring an end to my waiting

Winter Warmth

The wide-open desert is very cold in summer
Look at all the footsteps you’ve left behind
Feel the grains of sand go between your toes
I miss winter, the warmth it brings
The sun is beating on my back. I can’t stop
Where are the delirious?
I see no oasis in the distance
Just move sand to put behind me
Nightfall is so far away
My mind can’t rest then
I miss my warmth
The desert is so cold